Pet Loss Support

Pets are an important part of our life―they can act as our companion, confidant, and provide consistency in times of transition or difficulty. 

Additionally, our pets provide us with unconditional love―they see us get angry, frustrated or sad, and they never abandon their duty to love us.

For these reasons, losing a beloved pet is a devastating loss.

In some cases, losing a pet can feel more difficult than losing a parent, and this reaction can be confusing and disorienting. 

I am sensitive to the special connection we have with our pets. If you are having a difficult time with the loss of your special pet, I invite you to my safe, comfortable, supportive space to process, grieve, and begin the journey of healing from your loss.

Not sure if I can help?

Please feel free to reach out—I respond to all inquiries within 48 hours (Monday - Friday) and am committed to helping you on your grief journey.

In My Good Death

I will find myself waist deep in summer grass. The humming
shock of golden light. And I will hear them before I see
them and know right away who is bounding across the field to meet
me. All my good dogs will come then, their wet noses
bumping against my palms, their hot panting, their rough faithful
tongues. Their eyes young and shiny again. The wiry scruff of
their fur, the unspeakable softness of their bellies, their velvet ears
against my cheeks. I will bend to them, my face covered with
their kisses, my hands full of them. In the grass I will let them knock me down.

— Dalia Shevin