Premature Ejaculation 

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common experience—a 2016 study notes that approximately 20 – 30% of men experience ejaculation within 2 minutes of penetration. If your doctor and/or urologist has ruled out an underlying medical cause, sex therapy may help in better understanding what is causing your premature ejaculation. 

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Possible causes of premature (or early) ejaculation can be evolutionary! In the past, it was critical to copulate as quickly as possible because you were the most vulnerable to predators during sex. While, logically, we know that today you are not about to be eaten by a sabertooth tiger, sex can sometimes evoke similar vulnerability when you are with a partner. 

Therapy for Premature Ejaculation

Sex therapy can help because you and I will work together to better understand the causes of your PE (which can sometimes also have some associated erectile dysfunction) so that you can restore your sexual confidence and be free of the shame and embarrassment this condition can sometimes cause.  

Not sure if I can help?

If you are wondering how to fix, cure, stop, or recover from premature or early ejaculation, please reach out; I provide specialized therapy for premature (or early) ejaculation.

I respond to all inquiries within 48 hours (Monday - Friday) using my secure, confidential email, and I am committed to helping you on your journey of discovery (even if it’s to help you find a therapist that has the potential to be a better match!).